The MoraVision™ system brings to dentistry for the first time:
The purpose of this study was to determine how students perceived the use of a 3D video microscope (3D VM), in comparison to conventional methods, for providing instruction on fixed prosthodontics procedures and issuing feedback on student performance.
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Stereoscopic vision requires two eyes viewing a three-dimensional object from two different perspectives simultaneously to produce and image with depth perception.
“With stereo vision you see an object as solid in three spatial dimensions--width, height and depth--or x, y and z. It is the added perception of the depth dimension that makes stereo vision so rich and special.”
The MoraVision™ system raises the level of your dental practice through Magnification, Expanded Visual Access with Posture Independent Vision Ergonomics, Operating Comfort, Real Time Visual Communications, and Visual Documentation.
With magnification levels up to 16x, MoraVision™3D improves your ability to see, diagnose, and treat early clinical problems before destroying a large mass of tooth structure and supporting periodontal tissues, and avoid future catastrophic loss of teeth and supporting bone. Early problem are usually invisible to the naked eye or even with the average 2x-4x magnification loupes. Magnification levels above 10x will allow the dentist to provide precision treatments without the usual collateral damage to unseen adjacent teeth and soft tissues. MoraVision™ takes dentistry from the Braille age to the seeing age with precise, minimally invasive, complete, truly preventative and gentle dental care. Well informed and educated patients will benefit. Raised levels of clinical competence will save your back and your health.
The illustration provides a graphic representation of the power of magnification and how it relates to information content.
When patients can exercise visual control, they become partners in solving their problem and moving toward preventative dentistry. The optional HMD (Head Mounted Display) will allow the patient to view the operating field in Real Time. This is a most effective practice builder. It is based on educating the patient by allowing them full participation in experiencing the quality in the delivery of dental care. For patients, dentistry has been a faith based endeavor. With MoraVision and an HMD for the patient, dentistry becomes a known quantity and quality that serves to eliminate patients’ fears of the unknown and the resulting anxiety. By giving our patients visual control and equipping them with the visual knowledge of their own oral cavity, we empowers them to become better, happier and loyal patients who appreciate what we do for them.
View MoraVision™3D Image Gallery.
When I switched to MoraVision both my assistant and I feel less rigid and more relaxed, it is operating freedom. Thank you Assad Mora, you’ve changed the game! - Dr Robert K Slosberg
I finally was able to switch out to the new converter, and I can't believe how well it works!!! Night and day, I love my Moravision 2x as much, now that I know I can predictably take images at the click of the button, and I don't have to worry about losing signal when I split the 2D output to both the TDO and the ceiling TV. THANK YOU!!! - Dr David Koehn, El Dorado Endodontics
I can’t overstate how much I enjoy your system. It is unmatched ease for any treatment and the photography is just seamless. Physically I have added years to my career. I still haven’t had the time to get into doing the videos and that will be a new chapter. We just started with Gentlewave and the visual advantage with Moravision makes it safer and more efficient. So thankful for you and all you have done. - Dr Steve Merchant, Merchant Endodontics, Carlsbad, CA
MoraVision™ is the highest caliber, teaching tool available to institutions today.
Before students could view a playback catalog to learn critical procedures. Now, instructors can use the system for viewing purposes in real time as you teach. Students and faculty won’t have to wait until the procedure is complete to critique outcomes. Instructors can guide students while they work and avoid tremendous mistakes.
These are only a few ideas on how MoraVision can transform clinical education which is the backbone of dentistry, not to mention remote clinical assisting and assessment.
Come see us at Booth #1120 and Test drive MoraVision™3D system. Find out why this paradigm shift in Vision Ergonomics is fast replacing naked eye dentistry, loupes and legacy microscopes.
MoraVision™3D: Changing Vision Ergonomics and achieving the basic tenants of dentistry with comfort and postural freedom. Join us for a full day course and test drive the MoraVision™3D System.
MoraVision™ is a proud sponsor and provider of technologies for the live 3D event on Friday afternoon: Virtual Treatment from Diagnosis to Prosthetic Care (Streaming Live in 3D from the University of Illinois in Chicago and Presented Live Onstage in 3D) In addition, come see us at Booth #418 and Test drive MoraVision™3D system. Find out why this paradigm shift in vision ergonomics, work ergonomics, clinical documentation, and dental education is fast replacing naked eye dentistry, loupes and legacy microscopes.
Come see us at Booth #2255 and Test drive MoraVision™3D system. Find out why this paradigm shift in Vision Ergonomics is fast replacing naked eye dentistry, loupes and legacy microscopes.
Sep 11-14: U Pen Sep 15-17: BSG Academic Review, Hilton Philadelphia City Ave. Sep18: Temple
Come see us at Booth #254 and Test drive MoraVision™3D system. Find out why this paradigm shift in Vision Ergonomics is fast replacing naked eye dentistry, loupes and legacy microscopes.
MoraVision is a proud sponsor of this wonderful AAE program for Endodontic residents gathering from around the USA. Residents and guests will have the opportunity to see and test drive the MoraVision™3D System and find out why it is fast replacing legacy microscopes.
See and Test-drive MoraVision™3D at AAED 2017
This video highlights the MoraVision exhibit at the AAE 2015 meeting in Seattle, WA. You will see Dr Dennis Brave of RealWorldEndo interviewing Dr Assad Mora, Inventor and Founder of MoraVision.
The MoraVision™ system is revolutionizing dentistry.
Come and see for yourself!
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Santa Barbara, CA - USA
Phone:(805) 708-8062